Saturday, February 17, 2018

On My Knees

“Seems like to me the real mental health issue here is the idea that we can simply petition a god to make these problems go away, while taking literally no actions otherwise”

They dust off their virtual soapboxes each time a tragedy like the one we witnessed this week in Parkland, Florida reveals the existence of bona- fide evil. The platform for their soapbox will be social media where anyone with a keyboard can express themselves with wayward thoughts and spurious studies. Countless comments and memes will pepper our walls like contagious germs whether we want them there or not. The perpetual targets of these soapbox gauchos are people of faith.

Upon reading the opening quoted text, I commented with the word ‘ignorance’. I was off-target in my comment. I apologize for my inaccuracy. Clearly, this statement is ‘narrow-minded-ignorance’.

Ignorance, by definition, implies a lack of experience or education. Synonymous to unknowing. Acts of ignorance innocently occur every day with no fault ascribed to the ignorant. Turning left when you should have turned right in uncharted territories is an act of ignorance. But narrow-minded-ignorance is choosing to ignore any alternative thought outside the comfortable, protective sphere you have set your soapbox in.

The statement is the epitome of narrow-minded ignorance. Furthermore, and to my ultimate point, it is greatly offensive.

Your words are an insult to every person of faith across this world who pray to their God before beginning a day that will include building schools, community centers, and health facilities in countries deeply entrapped in poverty. It is offensive to people who pray before carrying water over rough and dangerous terrains to people who would otherwise die. It is offensive to lawmakers who will pray before beginning a day preserving legislation meant to protect your right to stand on your soapbox. It is offensive to thousands and thousands of teachers that pray each morning before teaching our children reading writing and yes, even the history of our freedoms. It is offensive to every Soldier, Sailor, Airmen or Marine who prays before shouldering a weapon to protect those very same freedoms. Your words are offensive to every police officer who prays before beginning a shift that may be their last. To every firefighter who prays before entering an inferno to rescue a stranger. Offensive to every surgeon who prays for steady hands before saving a life without regard to the political or religious beliefs of the patient. Your words are offensive to every first-responder who prays for strength and protection to do their job. You have offended every mother who has prayed for her sick child before staying up all night holding a damp cloth against a fevered brow.

“...while taking literally no actions otherwise.” is literally narrow-minded ignorance. It is offensive.

The offended don’t only pray before acting. These great people of faith pray afterwards. After a maniac enters a school, killing and killing and killing. We pray for comfort not because we have no other action to take but because our faith in God is steeped in love for mankind. We pray for an end to senseless violence not because we believe God will wave a magic wand and make it all go away. We do so because we know where all good stems from. We do so because we know God witnessed the greatest act of violence ever recorded when His Son was nailed to a tree...and He was triumphant! This is the God I will take my problems to until the day I die. From my knees I will cry out to Him when evil enters the world stage.

You see my friend, I am stronger on my knees than you are from your soapbox.

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