Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Shadow of Faith (cont.)

Very excited about an interview I had today with the Herald Zeitung for a featured article about my latest book-"Shadow of Faith"

Below is another excerpt-I hope you enjoy it, share it and of course buy it!

“I woke up and could hear a firefight all around me, but it sounded like it was far away. I felt something on my chest. I tried to lift my head off the ground but when I did the white started to come back. I felt dizzy and sick to my belly. I think I may have passed out again. I opened my eyes and the white was gone, but not the firefight. It sounded like thousands of rounds being spent all at the same time. I heard another explosion, another grenade. It sounded far way too but I knew it wasn’t. I finally lifted my head trying to see what was sitting on my chest. I saw a combat boot. I yelled ‘Get off me!” But the boot didn’t move.  I yelled again…nothing. I pushed him off. That’s when I found out that no one was on me…it was my leg.”
Now it was tears rolling down his cheeks but he didn’t stop talking.
“I yelled for a medic. I didn’t think anyone could hear me. The firefight was so damn loud.”
He looked at Timmy apologetically.
“Then I heard footsteps and saw 1st Sergeant Goode kneeling next to me. He was holding his helmet on with one hand and digging into my pack with the other. He grabbed a large bandage and placed it on my leg. Then he had two hands on me, holding back the blood. He looked at me and told me I was going to be okay. I didn’t believe him; I thought I was going to die right there on the ground. I told him I was afraid to die. He told me that I wasn’t going to die. The he asked me if I knew Jesus Christ. I told him yes. I’ve known Jesus for a long time. My mother told me about Him when I was just little boy. When I was fourteen I was baptized after accepting Him as my Savior. But I couldn’t think about that. I kept seeing the boot on my chest, knowing that it wasn’t supposed to be there. I saw the blood on your husband’s hands, too much blood, and knew it was mine. He told me to follow my faith, to know that God was going to protect me.”

He paused a long time, wiping the tears away with back of his hand....

Shadow of Faith to get your copy now.

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