Sunday, December 21, 2014

A quick thought

Sunday is my day to contemplate. This can be a dangerous thing when I consider my condition. Today I earnestly tried to think about anything else. I thought about Christmas. Christmases of years past and Christmases of the future. I love Christmas, I think I always have. I remember as a child wanting the Rock-em Sock-em Robots. Oh how I loved those robots and the hours of fun they promised to provide. But I am no longer a child, so childish things must be stowed away.

So what do I want now? I have sat here on this gloomy afternoon, riding my favorite chair, watching the Dallas Cowboys kick butt. But the enthusiasm of a life long fan was lacking. Because dancing before my eyes were the thoughts of more doctors, more tests, more treatments. I can look at my body and see the changes that are happening. I can feel them inside my gut, they are there as a constant reminder. Are these changes coincidence or is the cancer setting a course of destruction?

Don't let my thoughts bring you down, I am determined not to let them do so to me. I wish I could simply swipe them away but I can't. But their mere presence is not fatal and I know that. So I buttress these unwanted thoughts with happy thoughts of Christmas.

So what do I want now?


If you don't know Jesus Christ as your need to.
If you do know Jesus Christ as your Savior...then you need to tell someone about Him soon.
I never did get those robots for Christmas, you can make this one different.

Rock em, sock em. Merry Christmas.

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