The Poetry of J Hirtle

Friday Night

It was a Friday night.
I remember,
You came home late
Promenaded by your faithful companions-
Weed and Booze
I could smell them hiding behind your perfume
Arrayed to masquerade your perjury
You tried to disguise your slurred words
A smile instead
The one that melts all else away.
But I know you
Friday night follies could not conceal
I see you

Friday nights became Every night
The emerald Weed became White Snow
The Booze became more Booze
Your words were mute
Your smile maimed
Your flesh, like the pale moon.
In the murk,
The Opiate gods stand with you.
But I knew you
I see you.

Long ago-
It was a Friday night.
When we first carried you home
Wrapped in a pink blanket
A tiny new life waiting to be loved

I was there when you first crawled
Conquering an undiscovered world
I laughed with your first laugh
I cried when you climbed aboard the yellow school bus
Pausing to turn and wave
I applauded when you crossed the stage
Wearing a golden cap and gown.
I knew you
I  see you.

Now, everything has turned
High as the stars
You hop from stone to stoned
No worries
In your make-believe world
All I can do-
Watch and wait
Because I know you
Who you have become
Always fails

Another Friday night
I sit in the dark waiting
Remembering you
A sound shatters my dream
You lay still upon the frozen ground
Rock bottom?

Fresh track marks
Bleed colorless swill
I lean close to feel your life
Your eyes see
But you do not know me
Somewhere, I know you are there
I see you

I follow the blue lights
As they carry you away
The night skies cry
Yet through the darkened glass
I see you

Friday night has become Saturday morn
I sit waiting in the bright, meaningless room
Faceless people come and go
I wait

A man of the "We Care People"
Approaches with abandoned features
His white coat stained with sweat
"I'm sorry"
He whispers
You are gone

I can't see you

Upon the Sea

Upon the sea’s horizon
Tangerine rays caress the royal blue abyss

A ship abandoned
Her destination
Another guiltless mind

I spy the opulent vessel
White sails unfurled
Hung from her weathered spars

For a thousand nights
I lay in the cheerless dungeon
Of this one called
China White

Across the seas
She carried my fragility
Her mighty prow
Crushing waves of pain

When ere I beckoned her to come
Hoisted from her galley
The mystical elixir I crave
A faithful servant
China White came

From the beginning
My flesh raked with pain
My soul crying in agony
She came

Her bittersweet kiss
Numbing my cares
Her embrace
Cascading with promises
Of more

Unyielding torment
Searing nerve’s end
China White sings
“One more, one more”

I close my eyes
Into her caress
She conquers Pain

A thousand nights
I gather her melody
“One more, one more”

I dance across the vastness
Spinning and spinning
With this one called
China White

Novus dies
The Physician’s wisdom
“You are cured
            Pain forever absit           
Vale, vale
Dragon Chase consummavi
Farewell, farewell
You need her no more
Farewell to China White”

I sing it again

Broken, I lay
On Life’s
Rock Bottom
I need her no more
Rejoice, rejoice

Then why,
Enlighten me, I beg
Why do I long so?
For the one called
 China White

Upon the sea’s horizon
Tangerine rays caress the royal blue abyss
A ship set sails
Her destination
Another guiltless mind

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